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Messages - partyboy

Pages: [1]
General Talk / WANTED new monitor
« on: 28 December 2010, 14:30:32 »
are any of you fellas selling your old monitor (no crt's please)

General Talk / Re: Invite.
« on: 28 December 2010, 14:21:49 »
i know delaze i have lanned with him a few time at ye old netstation when it was alive up untill my internet cut off delaze was a loyal gamer on the dd24u server i think he would be a good face to our team, community, business what ever the fuck we are not

General Talk / Re: XMAS Jingles
« on: 28 December 2010, 14:18:09 »
haha delazed thats a mad avatar

General Talk / Re: Admin to please invite me
« on: 17 December 2010, 17:40:48 »
yes welcome

General Talk / Re: Stipe Recruiting?
« on: 17 December 2010, 17:38:11 »

General Talk / Re: Stipe is Recruiting.
« on: 17 December 2010, 17:37:08 »
i love stipe

Introduce yourself here / Re: PartyBoy
« on: 21 November 2010, 18:33:43 »
my name is Richard Farmer

Movies / Re: movies
« on: 16 November 2010, 19:22:51 »
more than you can imagine ha

Movies / Re: movies
« on: 15 November 2010, 18:45:05 »
Yeah mate that would be great ill msg you when i have the internet at my home and ill torrent the fuck out of it

Movies / movies
« on: 14 November 2010, 19:25:04 »
put all my movies into appropriate folders the other day (action,thriller,drama ect) got over 2500 im pritty proud
arrrrrrrrrr im a pirate

Events and Competitions / STIPE CSS COMP
« on: 14 November 2010, 19:21:43 »
this needs to happen and dont understand why we havnt had one in years, and dont say its because roto kept winning

Introduce yourself here / PartyBoy
« on: 14 November 2010, 19:18:26 »
my name is partyboy im actually a 21 year old man and my real name is dick farmer.

Introduce yourself here / Re: I iz Da Sinblaster
« on: 14 November 2010, 19:15:29 »
well this is a bit of a different post from what we usually talk about aye

Pages: [1]