Author Topic: Troublshooting a SourceMod Plugin  (Read 13885 times)


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Troublshooting a SourceMod Plugin
« on: 29 March 2017, 05:13:35 »
Can't get a source mod plugin to work?

One of the basic things you could try is to see if its actually running!

Here is an example,
1) Start your server and then go to the CONSOLE section (OR if you are still on our legacy windows server's log in to the console via HLSW, or IN-Game)

2) Type: sm plugins list    (or sm_rcon sm plugins list if in-game and you have full admin)

You will get something like this:

Code: [Select]
Console> sm plugins list

  08 "Client Preferences" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  09 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  10 "CS:GO Multi1v1" (1.1.5) by splewis
  19 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  20 "Advertisements" (2.0.2) by Tsunami
  21 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  22 "Pinion Adverts" (1.17.1) by Multiple contributors
  23 "CS:GO Multi1v1: knife round addon" (1.1.5) by splewis
  24 "Fun Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  25 <Failed> "SourceBans Checker"
sbchecker.smx (SourceBans Checker): Failed to connect to SourceBans DB, Could not find driver "mysql"

In this case, Source Bans is in a FAILED state. So something is really wrong with that plugin. Further details show that it couldn't load one of its dependency files; Mysql driver

We can load up the SoureMod Extensions to see if the Mysql Driver has been loaded properly:
Code: [Select]
Console > sm exts list

[SM] Displaying 14 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater ( Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet ( Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] CS Tools ( CS extended functionality
[04] BinTools ( Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] SDK Tools ( Source SDK Tools
[08] SQLite ( SQLite Driver
[09] SDK Hooks ( Source SDK Hooks
[13] Socket (3.0.1): Socket extension for SourceMod
[14] <FAILED> file "": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

There's our problem, failed to load as it failed to load a public library file:
In this case this is something we would have to configure for you on the server. But sometimes the issue could be due to a missing dependency file which you would need to install. You can contact support to check with us.
« Last Edit: 29 March 2017, 05:28:22 by crazy »