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Information for Parents
« on: 05 April 2014, 11:06:10 »
Kid Control – How You Can Help Your Child Be The Master of Minecraft

Parents, we understand what it’s like to live with a Minecraft gamer kid. You’ve seen the educational value and creative spirit that the world of Minecraft offers to players, but you’re concerned about gaming safety. You want your gamer kid to be an explorer, but you worry about Creepers of the human persuasion finding their way into your child’s Minecraft world.

People across all demographics are captivated by Minecraft. Gamers are young and old, male and female, novice and experienced.  Your gamer kid has probably asked you to let him/her join a public Minecraft server in order to broaden the gaming experience. You might be enticed, because free Minecraft servers are readily available and cost nothing. It’s one of the cool features about joining a public Minecraft server. Your little gamer connects with like-minded gamers across the globe to explore and build a world of their own making. Too often though, kids end up bumping into players who don’t have the best intentions. Your child can easily become an unwanted recipient of adult content while playing Minecraft. As a parent, you want to protect your child from the profanity, sex, drugs, and violence of the unfiltered, unadulterated Minecraft world. You also want to encourage your child’s creativity and interests. This is a dilemma!

STIPE has the solution! Empower your gamer kid with his/her own private Minecraft server.  Your child can be the Master of Minecraft, and there is nothing you need to do but click here to make it happen. STIPE handles the tech side of your child’s personal Minecraft server. We install it, configure it, and maintain it. Your gamer kid gets to have all the fun, and as a parent, you get peace of mind.

No longer will your child ask to join public Minecraft servers. Your little gamer can invite friends and family to join his/her private Minecraft server. It’s your kid’s world, and he/she makes the rules. We’ve got your back if any problems arise. STIPE offers around-the-clock technical support and a generous Money Back Guarantee if you and your gamer are not satisfied with your private Minecraft server.

Parents, we know that household budgets are sometimes tight, and it’s easier and cheaper for your gamer to play on a free Minecraft server. However, can you put a price on your child’s gaming safety and privacy? At STIPE, we offer an affordable plan that enhances your child’s Minecraft experience. We keep your little gamer safe while providing the Minecraft mods and features that your kid loves.

Are you ready to empower your gamer?
« Last Edit: 05 April 2014, 11:08:21 by crazy »