Author Topic: What do CSGO Servers come with? Why so cheap?  (Read 13047 times)


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What do CSGO Servers come with? Why so cheap?
« on: 18 July 2014, 10:22:00 »
All CSGO Servers come with Metamod, Sourcemod, and BFG Warmod pre-installed and ready to go.

We have spent considerable amount of time tweaking these servers to give you amazing performance and reliability as many of you may have heard.

For those that want to run Public servers, yes you will be shocked at how well the server will run your 32 player server.
HOWEVER, the customer support for running other plugins and us helping you configure beyond warmod .. like custom Gungame for example will be your responsibility.

When you purchase CSGO Servers from STIPE. You are paying for its blazing performance which our time goes into every day.
To keep prices low, customer assistance with plugin configuration is limited.

Of course that is to say its not like we won't help you! We will give you as much advice as possible :D Maybe more then you have hoped for! As STIPE is known for best customer support for game servers in Australia.